Suggestion Aloe Water and cream/ointment

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    Lvl 30 USEast2
    Posts: 7

    Hello i have a usful suggestion base off of realistic recipies.

    the creation of the following craftable items:

    Aloe water. (aloe boiled into tea)
    providing 50hp every second.

    salve/cream/ointment ( alow water + milk)
    provide 100hp every few seconds .


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87

    to op

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  keebo.

    Lvl 30 USEast2
    Posts: 7

    the hp lvls.are just examples . as a guide line for understanding


    Posts: 11

    with a tweak to the hp output values i think that could be a good idea


    Lvl 74 London
    Posts: 9

    Problems with hp/s is that it becomes OP quickly.
    Alloe water could be same as alloe but with a bonus form healing skill ? (IG: 10 + 1/10 healing skill lvl / sec.
    That could be usable in combat with a cd probably, idk.
    And ointment smthing like 20 – 25 + 1/10skill lvl but unusable while in combat ?

    EDIT ;

    Or it could be related to cooking’s buff but going out when taking dmgs. Like 10regen/s for x time depending on cooking skill

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  Beusy.

    Posts: 181

    Your favourite math guy suggests:

    (((Cooking+10)/10)*((Healing+10)/10)+ character level)/25 every 5 seconds with a proportioned heal every second.

    Level 10 in each on a level 20 gives just under 1 every 5 seconds. On a level 40 just under 2.

    Level 50 in each on a level 20 gives just over 2 every 5 seconds and on a level 40 it’s just over 3.

    Tea doesn’t seem that great of a healing item and factoring in character level helps balance it across other builds which don’t focus on healing or cooking.


    Oh and a max of 100 in each on a level 140 would be 261/25 for just over 10 every second.
    Which seems fair enough.


    Posts: 22



    Polar Bear
    Posts: 30

    I do like aloe tea and ointment idea. there is only a handful of healing items in the game. more variety based on lvl/availability. my personal suggestion based on mates
    1 aloe (just a plant)
    2 aloe 1 (whatever the healing spice is coriander I think) 1 + water make healing tea.
    3 2-3 aloe 2-3 (tinder or coriander maybe?) + flint = ointment
    4 3 aloe 1 mud 1 silver potion (of course)
    5 and of course the big daddy healing would still be bandages at 20 aloe and 10 yarn

    (numbers 1-5 represent the effectiveness of healing high the number the better healing possible. based of course on farming cooking crafting healing skills respectively.) However that would be very hard to implement so it could just be based on ones own skills and not the person who originally made them. or if you want it to be based on the creators own then a rune factory / harvest moon system could be made for item grades like the fishing skill cast. a F- potion would be way worse than a A+ for example. but that too would make things very messy and pretty much impossible to stack for a long time because code would be a nightmare. More debate is needed for a addition like this. any thoughts anyone?

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