Some 120+ UW Critique

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    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    So at this point forward you cannot dig any longer because “the ground is too hard” yet I find myself falling down holes way more often than 4-119. If at all possible it would be nice to have this occur less often. Or remove falling through holes from 120+ altogether though this would of course make it more difficult in some ways as I have certainly been saved quite a few times falling down a hole and it does aid in progressing deeper but either way I’m fine with both options.

    *One important issue to note is that I have noticed there are times when stairs to the next floor do not generate or appear and then disappear (this happened to me two times already, I went to walk down the stairs as they generated and they vanished in front of me) in which case you are forced to fall down a hole to progress but I cannot confirm for certain stairs down did not generate elsewhere so it would be helpful to know if anyone has experienced this before too.*

    Ghost blades need to chill, these things are more obnoxious than mind flayers. They disorient randomly the damage on which can be dangerously high at times as well as getting stuck in their disorient perpetually. I don’t know why they act so differently than most mobs in terms of aggro, at least reapers, mind flayers and lich are consistent in that you know they are going to chase you down but ghost blades break aggro and yet never seem to stop following you around as long as you are within their range. The uncertainty of their behaviour while perhaps adding difficulty is also annoying.

    Mind flayers aren’t that bad so I do not have much to say about them, their pathing can be somewhat manipulated in order to deal with only one or two at a time so this makes them bearable but boy it sure does suck to get pinned by lich and mind flayers and other crap while shroomies are hanging around. If possible it would be helpful to be able to use aloe while getting hit by their ranged attack the way it works with dust devils.

    Loot variety could be improved on higher level mobs, there must be something you can add to the loot table that is better than pepper. I’ve got way too much of it. It’s pretty disappointing to kill a ghost blade and pick up 1 hematite and honestly I drop both the hematite and iron bars for better stuff if I need to. Remains from lich is an interesting drop but majority of remains are newbie crap or a few materials they could drop something else too. Overall I would just like to see a larger variety or quantity of loot and perhaps this could be based on floor level or questing or maybe it will simply come with the addition of new mobs.

    A thought I had about mobs is it might be cool to have “rare” mobs with better loot drops than their normal counter-parts, as in reskins of old mobs but you could add new mobs for this as well.

    Oh and I don’t know what it is with spears but they always get the best runes, what’s with this blatant favouritism!

    That’s all I’ve got for the moment, here is a pic of me and the boys:


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    @admin please dude let us use aloe during mind flayer’s range attack or nerf the amount of defense drain caused by mind flayers because getting trapped or pinned by multiple is such a pain in the ass and it really sucks dying so close to b200 because of situations where you have absolutely no recourse available in surviving.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    Digging past 100 it determined by digging level Kaios:p 1 Floor per 2 digging levels for a total of b150

    and also Aloe doesn’t help my I when you have 1510 Health I stopped using it altogether

    UW past 150 gets even worse as the spawn rates feel like old 500+ before all these changes. It wouldn’t be too bad if we didn’t have Ghost blades and Mind Flayers but at this point I Cannot pass 150 Safely at level 250. Let alone dare depth recall into one of those floors

    depth recalling SHOULD teleport you to the sides of the map. I have died countless times because the game has decided to teleport me into the middle of a room containing 15+ Monsters with no change of escape to the point where i stop trying and watch myself die in those cases

    And another issue is all of Us 150+ Players on West cannot retrieve our items from Bonepiles because we cannot access the 150+ floors. I have an abundance of gears sitting on floor 240 & 250 but no one is crazy enough to want to do a group trip that far after seeing and hearing what I have to deal with on Voice/Video Calls


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    Digging past 100 it determined by digging level Kaios:p 1 Floor per 2 digging levels for a total of b150

    wow that’s cool I had no idea, I just couldn’t dig beyond 120 with my current digging level so I figured that was the max lol

    and also Aloe doesn’t help my I when you have 1510 Health I stopped using it altogether

    Idk I feel like it helps mitigate dust devil damage when you are trying to break walls and presume it would work similarly for mind flayers but you’re right I have also stopped using it for the most part as well

    Anyways yeah it sucks dying that deep and having to go all that way to retrieve the gear again especially when the risk is so high that you’ll lose more on the way. Safely clearing floors out while trying to search for a recall tile and consistently falling down holes is also quite obnoxious.

    I agree with you about recalling too it’s a nerve-racking experience.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    its not even from going that deep down, items not recovered in an hour Despawn into Bone piles on the floor Equal to the Players level at Time of death. SO if i died on B140 My bones still go to B250 due to my player level being 250.

    UW really needs a re-work the only thing this has changed by adding new monsters is make UW past 60 Impossible for anyone who doesnt have a good Mid to End-game set of gears, Let alone go past 100’s

    for someone like me who has VItality/Packrat/Ascension upgrades costing me 5million Myst now, if im not actually passing floor 200’s my myst gain is Horrible even with 712% Bonus

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by  PolarStar.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by  PolarStar.

    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    Oh ok I wasn’t aware of that being affected through level I assumed you simply had to be at the floor or deeper than the floor the player died on to retrieve their gear from remains which is probably how it should work. I was doing pretty well lately, going for 200+ but I died on 191 this morning unfortunately. My biggest complaint is that I’m trying my best to be careful and not really dying through any fault of my own as it’s rather difficult for me to control what spawns around me or what I recall/fall in to. Plus through all of that you are dealing with constant rubber banding on most servers too.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    the rubber banding is a huge issue especially with all the Numbers on the screen when I spam WHirlwind, it is to the point where I only underworld with Minimal players online and even then the lag is horrendous

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