scarcity of feathers

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    Posts: 1

    Am I the only one who noticed that feathers dropped from chicken seems to be very rare? I may have slaughtered a hundred chickens and i only got 5 feathers over time.
    idk, just found it odd.


    Posts: 7

    That is because of the latest patch, drop rate for feathers upon death has been reduce starve— I mean, control the food percentage on LIVING, BREATHING chickens so they start molting feathers at 10%-30% food.


    Posts: 3

    its really bad.. its not realistic at alll

    in real life u can find a chiken and get lots of feather from it… but in this game feather are as rare as silver
    even more… at least i got 10 silvers
    but no feather
    i had a bed yes, but i got these 4 feathers from newbie village, spawning chickens, killing more than 100 lol
    pls fix it…


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    that single feather represents all the feathers you get from a single chicken for example 1 feather makes 50 arrows or fills an entire pillow( i assume the feathers in the bed recipe is being used for pillows)


    Posts: 65

    Also, with proper farming methods, I pull alot of feathers. It’s not that bad, just have to get used to new mechanic, and not murder every chicken you see.


    Posts: 22

    You need to murder chickens because they have a limit. Just doesn’t murder the ones you have on your farm. You need to breed and tend them in a closed space like real farms. It requires practice and savoir-faire.


    Posts: 13

    What’s the best method for molting feathers? I had my chickens in a 2 tile space with one tile grass and the other floor, and it works decently. But I find sometimes some Chickens get stuck at 0% for a really long time, or some go above 30% and stay above for a long time. Is there a better way to keep them at 10%-30%?


    Posts: 22

    You need to feed them grass and water bruh, or else you starve them.

    Leave a shallow water tile and another one with grass and that would work for molting them.

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