Requesting Dev’s Judgment

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  • #16122

    Posts: 8

    I have played this game off and on for a year+. Throughout this time I’ve warred, raided, argued with, preyed on, and been prey to players. In all of the insults, low blows, threats, and general dramatic “sh*t talk” that comes with pvp, I’ve never forgotten that the players are human, and have used game mechanics of raid and draining to war. I’m posting today to report and request Dev’s judgment on a player who does not raid, does not talk for the sake of war or in the heat of an argument, and does not see the community as actual people. He plays game exclusively to harass, demean, “trigger”, and eventually cause his targets to quit the game with no real repercussion. In game mechanics offer up deleveling, raiding, and /ignore: none of these have affected said player for year+. If his focused target /ignores, he logs into alts and makes new alts to continue to PM, spreads lies and harasses via proxy (i.e. tells GC to deliver messages to his targets)

    I’m reporting “KingCandy” USE2: aka “Bible”, “AuntEater”, “Gumball”, and most recently “Joee” for violating section 12j by playing game primarily to cause others emotional harm and in game rule #3 “no prolonged spamming of inappropriate of offensive content in chat”.

    KingCandy has caused several long term players to quit game out of sheer incessant harassment. The past three days he has messaged me insults, threats, etc. via pm after log in (add friend setting) and after level up or carn global message. Today, I was messaged threats of “I’m going to find you irl, two months tops” followed by threats of rape and mutilation. I am not quitting, but I do not play the game to be a sadist’s scapegoat. I very rarely bother Development team, you are losing legitimate players and potential revenue\advertising due to the actions of a loser using your game exclusively to harass others with immunity.


    Lvl 90 USEast2
    Posts: 15

    I personally am against it. Trashtalking is a old jewish tradition dating back as far back as 20 B.C. It has found its place among the common folk and even the Nobility had started doing it. So no. Do not ban trashtalkers please. Without them mystera would literally be unplayable.


    Lvl 19 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    Screenshot the threats, trash talk is fine but once you start trying involve irl in a game you have gone to far. Send said screenshotted threats in contact a contact forum, to make the links actually appear and work in the contact forum, post them in discord somewhere ( public private whatever); then copy the link to put in the contact forum.


    Lvl 177 USWest
    Posts: 7

    trash talks it’s not the problem… raiders and killers of PVE-players IS the problem!!!!


    Lvl 8 USWest
    Posts: 11

    Gyatso, weren’t you level 142? Who set you back? What’s his name again, I forgot.


    Lvl 100 Europe
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 26

    Is that the joee guy who occasionally visits EU? Anyways, you can deal with a minor chat-troller easily. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I guess /ignore command directly ignores the IP so he’d need to change his IP everytime he wanted to troll. About friend list, that new /notify command works just fine. About trashtalking, I believe the problem is more about you than him, just don’t take him seriously. If he ia using other people to deliver his messages and those people deliver it all the time, I am to say your server is pretty dum-dum.


    Posts: 8

    @joee no one set me back. I suicided 20 times before dropping from lvl 142 so as not to carn hunt. I have carned 6 times since, and still have higher myst pool than your account and majority of server. Your pride on a 2v1 with pvp off, and the fact that you think that you have any influence on my decision to continue reincarnation, amazes me.

    I started this thread because King sexually harassed SSOQ’s friend until she quit via pm, trolled SixFingers and continues to harass Six over a rage quit (caused by King) since he has been back. Sexually harasses LadyBunny, calling her “slut”, “whore”, etc. daily for weeks. Messaged me that he was going to find me irl, “rub his dick on my lips” and “break my teeth out if I bite it” on YOUR account. Year+ on unchecked disgusting harassment of players causing decent folk to quit or be disenchanted with game. Beside the fact that he has or had access to your account, your post is irrelevent and stale.

    @fazilqq He (King) must use VPN because /ignore works on a name by name basis, and he creates alts to spam gc and pm. Please re read my post, I am not arguing against trash talking, I trash talk, its part of game. I’m arguing against focused harassment of players for weeks with sexual, violent, and irl threats until they quit game, and using said game as a platform to do so.


    Lvl 85 USEast
    Posts: 10

    King has and will always be a dick. He is an in-game cockroach.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    If he’s being toxic to the entire server, then people should use /report until he’s muted, and /ignore to disregard him. If he’s switching accounts but its fairly clear it still him then take screen shots and submit a contact form to dev, making it clear that its the same person, same theme, etc.. He wont be the first person or the last person to be muted in the game (or possibly even banned), and while its frustrating when people take it to this kind of level, its a slippery slope to think we need more restrictions on what anyone can say in the game. Yes, what he’s said is awful, and yes, that should definitely be reported so action an be taken, but summarizing these things here also just spreads his influence beyond your server and leads to more trolling.

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