PvP arena suggestion

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    Posts: 4

    Okay, so as you may know, PvP in Mystera Legacy is a controversial subject.

    I want there to be a way for me to PvP safely WITHOUT getting KOSd or outcasted from society.

    Thus, I suggest a “PvP Arena” that is located around the Arena Ruins area. In that arena, PvP is ON at all times, and is basically a free for all. No items are lost in the arena, but a 1g ticket that lasts 3 days is required for entry.

    For balancing, maybe everyone that enters gets the same gear?

    That is my suggestion.


    Lvl 186 London
    Posts: 11

    I made a suggestion about an arena 2+ months ago. here’s my list.

    Make seasonal servers (pve and a pvp 1) that last for like 3 months. top players in skills, time alive , levels ect get titles/achievements/diamonds which carry onto there home server. (i know these were out before and discontinued but with titles/achievements this will bring a lot of interest)

    I also think they should allow gem bonuses to go beyond 100. (with some balance but stronger at the skill 120+ range then the current 100 max is) Which in turn makes gems and artifacts more valuable

    increase leaaderboards to top 5 and maybe somehow account for blue stars.

    Artefacts should have a unique glow around them signifying a special item. (increase arti LB)

    Unique bosses in ssd and snow tops.

    Remove tilling. Or make useful

    Buff Spear’s to have some natural arm pen.

    Turn arena ruins into an actual arena for staking items or gold. <———–

    (remove welly!) OR (remove Alt banking max weight or drop items upon log out)

    Nerf glowing altars or accommodate with further OP gear beyond like UW floor 150.

    Poison arrows. Ice arrows (add snowball’s add poison extract)
    Cross Bows.

    Day and night cycle. (every 12 hrs) different monsters at night.

    Increase Savagery by 1 more upgrade to a total of 50% crit.

    and finally RELEASE or Promote the game.

    Thank you.


    Lvl 339 USWest2
    Posts: 66

    The thing about tilling is its actually a secret chest drop rng modifier cuz the dev loves farmers. make sure to add +1 tilling to all your gear for good luck 😀

    +1 to elemental arrows, arena ruins idea. i think u should say walk north. have an alter where 2 people or however many could stake right on there to avoid scam bets. If artifacts ghad a glowy animation id definitely gem my gear more then just pvp basics. Blue lbs have been long demanded. such an easy change that would make a lot of people happy that should def be implemented.

    As for titles n achievement i had no idea they were once here. that sounds awesome. whyd they take it out?

    @Trollagon though u guys could just make a server arena. Pvp always aloud inside yalls compete. That way u rely on the community and dont need to worry abt updates. place bets. do specialty competitions to engage other weapons. eg axe only or no shields aloud. make things interesting and give a reason to level less wanted weapons. All up to ur communities creativity.


    Lvl 19 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    While I like the idea(+2) if your being kos’ed for pvping you might wanna try targeting/pvping other people of different stats/reputations then what you are rn; if its the way your server is, might wanna move servers (ik thats alot of work) or try talking with whoever is having you kosed like: dude pvp is part of the game. NOTE: I do NOT know what your situation is, this is my personal opinion of what I read of the getting kosed for pvp, take with a grain of salt.
    I would like to try out a cross-server pvp, see if I can hold my own. +2 for the arena

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