Please slow down the decay rate

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  • #1933

    Posts: 64

    It’s really stressing out that yu need to be everyday online and repair all your walls. It might be me, but there’s no fun in that.


    Posts: 1

    I agree we need decay slowed down a lot!


    Posts: 64

    It does seems logical to prevent player from building huge castleses if they can’t maintain them, but man, decay is just absurd. Good alternative would be to make walls 3-4 times more expensive, and 3-4 times longer to decay. Right now it’s more easy to rebuild my castle from scratch once a week, than repair it.


    Posts: 5

    Yeah i have a tribe of 14 people and expanding and we have to repair daily 🙁
    So if we aren’t online every day we could come back to a vanished base >.>


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 41

    I think it might need some slight tweaks but truthfully it’s the repair tool that is what needs a rework. It should work like a hammer and repair in the T shape. This can also make it a safer alternative (since you won’t have to leave your home).


    Posts: 3

    With current decay rate being online every day still would be necessary even with better tool.


    Posts: 2

    then it will be quite logical if there is raised the percentage of damage on the walls. though not significantly.


    Posts: 2

    also I am wondering why breaking the stone wall is not mined the stone, and breaking wood, respectively wood?


    Lvl 60 USEast
    Posts: 15

    The decay rate is completely fine. I don’t understand what you’re complaining about. Alot of you are in a tribe with mulitple people. Just take turns repairing each day. Also, if you have a HUGE base and can’t handle the repair, maybe don’t make something as big? I use to have to repair everyday the big hotel myself and it was still fine. Repair tool is fine already… with higher repair skill you repair so much faster. It’s easy..


    Posts: 94

    I feel like instead of slowing it down overall, it should have a curve that speeds up decay as it has less hp. This way people can easily maintain a house that is barely decaying, but if they actually quit the game, it will decay within the same amount of time as usual.

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