Pioneers you have 24 hours to restore the Lake

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  • #1075

    Posts: 23

    You all know me as the happy go lucky, Puns making Captain. Not many things phase me, I am a free spirit and I prefer not to fight! BUT the pioneers tribe have defiled Posidons Great Lake, Posidon tolerates small structures but this big base is an offence that will not be ignored see:

    So I give this tribe a 24 hour notice before I begin operations, Note that this is a SOLE operation not a Frost Legion one but a Captain one, so one tribe against one Captain, you have nothing to fear…I am after all, just the silly Captain with all the Puns 😉


    Posts: 23

    Ok it seems that it is pouring for me these days… I guess it had to happen sooner or later!

    Those that know me for a while will know that my base is up North East furtherst corner you can get to.

    I opened up my base to everyone and called it the restaurant at the end of the Universe, i did not announce it but left a number of goodies and some paper for people to leave messages.

    Just now I went for my routine wall repairs and all wooden gates, all tables all stools EVERYTHING was emptied out.

    It seems that everytime someone is trying to do something nice for this community there is at least one idiot who will defile hospitality.

    I leave this here in case I go totally ballistic and start killing players left and right you will know what drove me to my madness….


    Posts: 23

    ….arghhh…mfff…pionnnirs promise …make ….mfff……small…..hhrrr not dooo…alll….mmfff…diiiieeee…….see…..hhhhmmmff moorow….argggghhhh


    Posts: 94

    Wish I knew about the restaurant. I know I would have visited =( RIP Restaurant.


    Lvl 54 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 39

    Yeah, that restaurant idea was really cool.. 🙁 RIP Restaurant! Thanks for making the effort, Cap. Wish I could have seen it.


    Lvl 9 USWest
    Posts: 13

    Sephi and I stumbled upon it on an exploration/repair run. I thought it was cool so I grabbed a pic.
    Cap's rest stop


    Posts: 23

    The old Cappy has momentarily taken control of MadCap:

    An island the size of 33*33 in the large lake has been reclaimed by the sea.
    Thanks to the Pioneers who have graciously moved.

    The restaurant at the end of the Universe will reopen at some undisclosed time. It was always meant as a boon to the weary traveler and those sailors brave enough to explore all the ends of the universe… it may not have its former glory of items and foods but it will reopen….once I manage to fully control MadCap…..

    ……….mmfffffrrhhhhhh …….ddddddarnnn you …C.aa…pp……..Kraaakeenn…mmfmffffhhhhhhh….


    Posts: 94

    So we don’t need to kill MadCap to get old cap back? Shucks.


    Posts: 73

    Need to kill new Captain if we ever want good ole’ Cappy

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