New Update is awesome!!!

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    Posts: 6

    Upon a thorough analysis on the very relevant players, who everyone has known prior to this update, known as @xxvaliantxx, @drayfus, and @Okapi, I have come to the conclusion that these three players represent the entire game’s population. Clearly these 3 players are the pinnacle of human evolution and the epitome of intelligence.
    These three brave souls have taken a stand against the oppressive 99% 1% of the playerbase, and will continue to fight bravely for the sanctity of this game.

    In addition, I would like to make a few comments of my own.

    1. Reduced Gem Costs

    If you’re against the idea of reducing gem costs of 80% for the simple reason that you have spent hundreds of hours grinding gems to gather a powerful set, you were probably dropped as a child. The point of this update is to let newer players catch up to the stronger players, who have spent hundreds of hours gathering gems, in a couple of days. I have never seen a better update in my life and personally, I would like to thank JVH for the overwhelming support he has shown to the newer players in recent updates.

    2. Costumes

    $300 to look like SK and $10/m to keep the cosmetic? What’s not to love? This new update brings an large variety of newer, fresher and modern costumes that will revolutionize the growing important of character appearance in the game. I firmly stand against the idea that this is a cash grab because The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit have come together to bless us with this update.

    3. Wolf Cave

    This. This is the GREATEST update this game has ever seen. Absolute freedom in the game was its initial design, and this truly reflects in the beauty the developers have created. You have allowed new players a location to farm an infinite amount of myst, without any risk. Truly genius. Prior to this update, players had to risk their skills and levels in order to progress in the game, as well as spend time progressing deeper into the UW. Fortunately, with this update, everything can be spoonfed to the old players so they can stop complaining about the horrors of UW, and give new players a safe option to farm myst without serious time dedication. I can’t see any reason why vets would complain about this, as it only brings positive changes to the game.

    That’s it for now! Once again, I would like to thank JVH development for NOT turning into EA, and continuing to support its current player base. You truly are a God to me. (We can make a religion out of this).

    Lot’s of Love,
    The Apostle of the Second Coming of Jesus, Pope Saltek of Mystera Legacy


    Posts: 16



    Lvl 248 USEast
    Posts: 78

    Pretty good one man, Salt Jebus will come and save us all.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  Kazul.
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