My ideas that may improve Mystera

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  • #7180

    Posts: 7

    Alright now I dont want anyone saying “thats a terrible idea”.
    Just keep in mind, any idea is a good idea. If we want Mystera to grow, we need to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities.
    Im new to MLegacy, 4 days fresh.
    So as a new player.. My first thought when I joined was..

    1. Theres no tutorial? An ingame tutorial would be great for new players.. (Yes I know about the signs)
    But I suggest an NPC at the start of the game when a new player first spawns, that can explain the basics of the game.
    (OR even spawn with a book in the inventory giving directions for newcomers)

    2. Staff – Now, as a new player I have no clue who has in game power/benefits.
    If there is no in game staff.. Maybe thats something that can happen eventually?
    (If there is in game staff, I didnt know) but for new players if they need help.. Staff can be there to help out..
    Also if there are mods and admins/co-owner.. They should have a little color coded “crown” or a unique effect next to their names in the Chat box.

    !! Just with those two ideas, there is a better chance new players will stick with the game, because I for example, almost stopped playing the first 2 days because it was basically a free for all/figure everything out on your own type of vibe @ Newbie Village !! (Remember, if those two suggestions already exist, im new so dont blame me for trying to help out)

    3. Ive heard that a map will eventually be available.. True or false? If so will it be a map in the inventory? Or a minimap at the corner of the screen?
    (Minimap in the corner would probably be preffered by the people of MLegacy than a map in the inventory) but thats my honest thought).. Moving on.

    4. A command to change your password ingame would be useful & helpful.. A command example : /changepassword (old password) (new password)

    5. A command to verify players networth? Maybe? (Example: /Net)
    Would be an easy command for people to remember.

    6. Firemaking should be a skill.. Not “crafting exp” but its own skill with own exp.. Leveling up can be as easy as adding logs ( aka. dropping logs on a fire and keeping the fuel % up )

    7. Adding a Bank command. (example: /bank) with a limited amount of space.. Maybe 25 items? Or 1000 pounds worth of items.. (Also if banks do happen.. Maybe adding “bank space” to the upgrades options that can be bought with earned Myst.. +25 bank space per Upgrade..?

    Anyways ill keep updating any ideas that come to mind!! Also feel free to suggest any ideas you may have! Also if you have any suggestions that can improve my ideas.. Feel free to share!

    If anyone agrees or disagrees lets vote in the comments..
    Write it down in order of the suggestions/ideas
    Like this

    1 – Yes
    2 – No
    3 – Yes…
    You guys get the picture..
    What are your thoughts my Little Legacians? 🙂

    Kindest regards, TjLab


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    1 maybe noobs asking questions all the time can be grating
    2 no too open to corruption
    3 there will be a new map available which is a new area of the game but i dont know about any sort of map
    4 no presumably the only reason you want to change ur password is because you forgot it and cant get in
    5 no makes raiding more profitable
    6 no i dont see the point and making fires adds to construction which is a crucial skill
    7 there are locks which you can put gold under and will stop people from taking ur stuff for a while 2 gold perday


    Posts: 7

    Thanks for the feedback but may I say my opinion about your feedback about 1, 2, 5 and 6.
    1. Yes noobs asking questions can get annoying. But thats why I suggested an NPC guided Tutorial. Or simply, spawning with a book that gives noobs a brief introduction to the game.. Maybe with a few tips, tricks..

    2. Yeah it could be corrupt.. If in game staff were corrupt.. Thats why the owner/developper should have a list of trustees & loyal players that obey the rules & regulations..
    If the owner does consider my thought.. Maybe he can make ingame jobs? Aka.. (Having to earn Mod/admin/helper/trustee Titles by applying for the position & the position decision can be made with in game votes or forum votes.. If it were to become a “ingame job”.. All the possible titles that can be earned can be paid with rewards.. Aka… In game items, exp boost.. Special items.. Gold.. Of course, the title itself.. But I feel with in game staff, the server can be kept under control, prevent hackers.. It could prevent a lot of negative possibilities.. And if it prevents negative possibilities, it can only bring positiveness to the server.

    5. Makes sense, but by typing /Net ( it would only show YOU your networth. Not everyone elses networth )

    6. I get your point.. But so many other items level up crafting.. Making a fire should have its own skill.. It doesnt have to be “firemaking”..
    It can be a “survival” skill too!

    Thats just my opinion tho! Thanks for the feedback!
    Im just trying to help out the most I can 🙂


    Posts: 7


    8. Combat training Teleporting commands would be a great idea.. Few ones I came up with are:

    Command example :
    /tele train (1-4)<low to high!
    1 being level 15+
    4 being level 100+ )

    /tele train 1 (low level training area – exp level 15+)
    /tele train 2 (med level training area – exp level 45+
    /tele train 3 (high level training area – exp level 85+)
    /tele train 4 (advanced players only – exp level 100+)
    Those are my combat training teleporting ideas..

    9. Skilling teleport commands

    Command example :
    /tele skill (Skill name/abreviation)

    Example :
    /tele skill Fish
    (Tele to nearest lake or a customized fishing training area)

    /tele skill Wood
    (Tele to custom woodcutting training area)

    /tele skill Mine
    (Tele to custom/nearest mining area)

    Basically a /tele to make getting around simple and more time efficient for everyone.. But of course people will say..
    “It will be too easy getting around..” Or “No one would walk long distances anymore which takes the fun in the exploration skill”..
    Thats why I thought of this.
    Make it so we can only Teleport to places we have explored.. For example with a command like..

    /tele coord (coordinates numbers) so like this
    /tele coord 64(space/comma)356
    Pretty simple right?

    Can only be used 2 times as a command per 1h30 or per 2 hours..
    Just so it doesnt become overused & doesnt take any fun away from exploring..

    Just a thought to think of 🙂
    Leave the feedback in the comments 🙂
    Thank you.

    Kindest regards, TjLab


    Posts: 2

    Absolutely not. Just for future reference, do try and avoid suggestions that can be boiled down to “let me progress faster” especially if it’s something as simple as typing a command, which requires no investment or skill. Making the game easier doesn’t make it better. Have patience.
    I especially don’t like the idea of there being designated skill training areas. Why run around looking for rocks/trees/etc when you can just zip on over to a place that spoonfeeds all that to you?
    And the worst offender is probably the teleporting to co-ordinates. Sure, you had to have ‘explored’ it first. So… once you’ve broken through a wall once, or just been to that area before something was even built, you now have a free pass for life. Doesn’t that sound abusable?


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 34

    Teleporting to coordinates.. lmao.


    Lvl 146 USWest
    Posts: 17

    Play the game longer than 4 days, read the patch notes and get to know the dev, talk to the community… then come here with your suggestions. But I can’t say I hate your ideas… some sound like a raiders wet dream 😂


    Lvl 64 USWest
    Posts: 15

    I agree with Belle ^ You need to get a good feel for the game and get to know the dev more by reading patch notes. Being like 5-6 days new to the game and making suggestions that quickly is a bit odd to me… But while new players are capable of making reasonable suggestions, I think sticking around for a while, learning more about the game and the dev can really help you get an idea of what suggestions are reasonable to make a post about.


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 55

    I just want Kitty’s ;—;


    Posts: 2

    My only suggestions would be something to make pvp or pve more of a group thing as opposed to op players running things. New spells like haste or ranged spells. Maybe a skill for writing books (could be a very difficult one to level but could actually make use of paper) all in all i enjoy the game the way it is.


    Lvl 248 USEast
    Posts: 78

    All these ideas are horrible -10


    Lvl 85 USTexas
    Posts: 74

    1. would love some kind of linear path with a non skipable tutorial, i figured it out but even with signs it wasnt easy

    2. would hate to see staff in this game. GM’s and any other player based mods will 100% corrupt the game, even if the dev gets trusted” players. not going to happen. either he needs to get staff that does NOT play the game / has no interest in in game diplomacies OR add a “Tutor” role for players who volunteer and prove their commitment to helping other players. this role should have absolutely 0 bennefits (can be marked with a book in chat logs instead of a crown like previously suggested)

    3. i think the dev meant a new map as in a new area to explore, as far as a minimap goes i would only be ok with one if i could toggle it on/off to avoid blocking screen space. keep in mind this is a sandbox meaning the maps are MOSTLY player made and consistantly changing with builders / destroyers. the only constant maps are very easy to remember and navigate once u explore them and know where they are.

    4. disagree, would make people getting hacked easier

    5. there is already a high scores list for that which i personally am against. raiding is a gamble where u risk your time, and your life for either revenge or potential loot. knowing who has what at any given time will make saving up for anything next t impossible making farmers have to wath their backs 24/7

    6. what would be the point? in runescape fire making allows u to burn higher quality wood to make longer lasting fires or make different quality arrows. There is only one type of wood here so far and adding more would seem next to pointless, i would however like to see higher quality arrows that cost flint, obsidian, copper, bronze, iron, and steel along with the initial feathers and wood to craft more powerful arrows making them viable for deeper UW / pvp at higher costs to make

    7. not a fan of the command system as it can be abused during raids with a simple /bank command as opposed to getting all the preparations it normally takes (picking everything up / making locks) however a bank in crossroads or market would be ideal. maybe start with only half your inventory page’s worth of items and upgrade it with myst or gold. Additionally to avoid people just spammign items in and out of bank make it so that items are free to withdraw but take a certain ammount of myst or gold with every deposit (amount is irrelevant, it would be per transaction)

    8/9. i am against ALL forms of teleportation aside from maybe adding additional recalls to a command to a maximum of 5 to be able to teleport to multiple bases. you would still need to be in UW to use this idea and the commands would be as simple as /recall 1-5 and instead of walking over a recal and accidentally changging a previous one u should have to stand on the recall AND type /set 1-5 (to set your recall to 1-5). as far as teleporting to any spawns for rocks or fishing or whatever i am against if for 2 reasons; 1, as previously mentioned, it would be abused, no one would never walk & resources would disappear faster. And 2 people who are kos’d, whether they deserve it or not (usually for good reason) could easily leave there base and consistently keep dodging there aggressors.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by  BloodShot.
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