Idea suggestion to keep PvP and PvE players happy.

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    Lvl 399 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Infamy in market square as it is now, with no exp gain and a fair increase in its size and house amount to actually fit the servers population to the players who actually want to be safe from galebrook raids. Also only 1 house for player allowed (there’s ppl with over 7 houses owned), plus a non-pvp area with low resource-gain and leave galebrook, ssd, battlegrounds, snowpeaks and UW as areas with intended PvP with no infamy. High-risk high gain.
    If you’re a PvE player you’ve the option to gain profit in that PvE zone without any risk tho limited resources, and if someone kills you in market the infamy as it is now is a super punishment.
    And on the other side we’ve the zones with high myst/drop/resources gain but, in exchange for the risk of ending dead to other players, fitting the PvP players.

    An another idea would be PvP disabled in uw 4-25 and 25+ pvp with no infamy gain.

    What I’m suggesting is to give players a reason to risk themselved in PvP with a sweet candy, but also at their own decision and risk. (thats why non pvp limited resources zones are for, to have a way to get back into business).

    Give choice to enjoy PvE but also give more profit for risking in PvP.



    Lvl 399 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Simply put:

    1. Limit infamy to market square.
    2. Add resources to snake pit, aka stones and trees.
    3. More market square houses.
    4. 1 market house x player
    5. Entering PvP intended zones (galebrook, ssd,etc.) warn that you can be killed without punishing the murderer in any way.

    And everyone would be HAPPY.


    Posts: 9

    Although I don’t play actively now but I have to plus 100 to this one.

    Otherwise we should:
    – rename assasin skill to execution
    – the skill should only give dmg bonus when non-infamous player hits infamous player

    Then it would semantically make sense but renders the skill useless which it is kidda heading to the direction anyways.


    Posts: 56

    I sort of agree with this. Though if not many others do better suggestion would be to remove infamy and add a better system altogether, somehow. Infamy is a broken system already as it is, and with the way updates are swinging it’s only becoming MORE broken. People are being more and more punished for a mechanic of the game. Am I saying there shouldn’t be drawbacks to killing noobs/going on murdersprees? Not at all. There should be. But this isn’t how to do it. Infamy was fine how it was with the recent tower change. It became downright lethal with the recent tower change if you weren’t careful/didn’t know what you were doing.

    To entirely make it impossible to progress if you, for instance, kill a raider/troll/defend your tribe/buddies? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard of. There are easily ways to escape infamy after attacking people, so don’t say to wait for them to hit first or if they were raiding/attacking someone they should have infamy.

    With the way towers work targeting people fighting in the streets for no reason this’ll only become more of a common thing for trolls to do, or even things people have to do against trolls. I really don’t like the way the game gets an update to counter trolls then it gets another one in the trolls favor. This isn’t Trolls vs People.

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