Idea – Siege Weapons

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    Lvl 100 USTexas
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 31

    Battering Ram (can only be used on doors and gates)

    -Very high damage to structures (maybe comparable to 100 destruction)
    -costly to build
    -uses new skill (artillery)
    -catapult requires ammo
    -must be manned

    The siege weapons would be like structures that do damage to other structures. In other words they are objects you interact with (like bellows) and not equipment. Battering Ram must be adjacent to the tile it attacks. Catapults would target like bows. They must be built on tiles and afterwards they can be moved only with slow speed (such as pushing them 1 tile at a time like moving a person with unarmed.) They have low health and can be destroyed with hammers, so during a war the focus might be on defending the artillery vs trying to destroy it. I just thought maybe this gives another layer of strategy to raiding and wars.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    this is awesome but we need an option to throw burning pitch on it from inside the walls, causing damage to the siege engine and the people nearby. or maybe some flaming arrows.


    Lvl 115 USEast2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 32

    +1 on the seige weapons.


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    Another or alternative use for a catapult might be to prevent fresh walls or other structures from being built during a raid as the range allows for them to be destroyed before the structures reach their full soak value. This would at the very least force players to have a highly defensible base ahead of time rather than being allowed to fortify and prolong the raid with no form of recourse for the attackers.


    Lvl 32 SEAsia2
    Posts: 4

    With That Thing, Others Might Abuse it to harras New Players, I Know theres wellington for New Players But As They Level Up Their Myst Costs gets Higher too Which Forces them to leave and live in Galebrook OR make an ALT to maintain their base in Wellington

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