How to know when UW resets?

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    Lvl 182 Sudamérica
    Posts: 2

    is there any right time for UW reset? or how long it lasts?

    Can someone help me figure it out?

    thank you so much


    Lvl 62 London
    Posts: 8

    I thought it reset Sunday night but I’ve recently noticed things that makes me think different. I was told that a floor can’t reset when a player is inside which means different servers will have different reset times and if there is no set time to correct itself then it’ll continue to be random. I think it’s all down keeping track yourself.

    I’d love a dev to confirm the question but then again there are a lot of unanswered questions.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    UW floors individually fully reset 7 days after that floor specifically had been opened.

    So example of you opened b150 on Monday and b151 on Tuesday

    150 will reset next Monday
    151 will reset next tuesday

    however if a floor has no activity for about a day (no players on the floor at all) it will Soft reset. Which means all Entities and Static objects will despawn but the floor layout will remain the same

    And I’m pretty sure it does this to prevent the game from eating up tons of memory resource which would cause Lag issues.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    Also for the player being on the floor myth. Of a player stays logged in on a floor it will NOT reset if it’s that day However. The second the floor has No players on it.because they have logged off or left that floor it will reset almost instantly


    Lvl 62 London
    Posts: 8

    Thank you for the detailed reply Polar I appreciate it.

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