Game Balancing Suggestions

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  • #3288

    Posts: 9

    Posting a handful of educated suggestions after playing for some time now, along with numerous talks with many other server members (shout-out to USWest). Just food for thought.

    *Spears able to attack diagonal tiles 1 tile away, would allow for stronger tribe formations.

    *Increase the chance for bonus arrows with higher craft skill, or add a Fletcher skill. This would counter the hoarding of chickens and making the value of these over priced materials drop.

    *Add chat tabs that we can choose what chat types are available to be seen within it. Like opening a new tab and showing trade chats, but if wanted could add the ability to show tribe chats, ect also into it so you wouldn’t miss out on any important information. Of course always show a whisper no matter what tab your in. This would reduce the clutter sometimes seen in global chat.

    *Slightly increase distance of local chat. Seems to be about a 15 tile range (wild guess) and just bringing that to about 20 would make a good change to where we don’t miss local chats if we walked away just a little too soon.

    *Add Google play purchases. Yes yes, I know he is working on it, but since it is not implemented yet I’ll keep it on the list. Doing this would definitely net him more money and in turn more time to handle game issues. I know many of the player base does not like dealing with PayPal, and personally I don’t like it either. Sales should definitely boost with a more convenient option.

    *Add a $4.99 two week supporter option. Some players just want to “try” something before buying.

    *In addition to last one, add a incentive to being a supporter such as a small xp bonus, maybe a discount on rent in market, something small but over time would make the gaming experience a tad better. This way no one’s paying to win.

    *Adding more as I think of them

    -Chuthulu, eater of worlds.


    Posts: 95

    Two things I dont agree with:
    Spears – The two tile range they have is enough, a lot of players use spears already, they dont need a buff.
    Supporter benefits – Benefits that effect gameplay are not a good idea, thats not a good reason to invest money. This can easily get out of hand and we get another pay2win game. I understand your idea and logic behind this, and sure benefits sound good, but just more cosmetics for now would be better.


    Posts: 9

    @BalthazarB What would be something you’d like to see added in? Trail effects? Auroras? Add some thoughts!

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