cathing animals

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  • #15402

    Posts: 4

    I think there should be a leash rope to catch animals and drag them to farm rather then wandering around searching for them but this only works on sheep and cow since chicken drop fret eggs


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    that would be nice, some easier way to get a ‘starter’ animal going in a farm than waiting for one to spawn. They will flee before dogs, which helps a little bit but its still kind of random


    Lvl 339 USWest2
    Posts: 66

    Thatd be cool yeh. though id want a new skill to train that came with it. Something to do


    Lvl 58 London
    Posts: 1

    So…. Id say we should add a way of catching monsters in the underworld. I think that would be pretty cool like a new skill or something


    Posts: 5

    Thezap it could be called beast tamer. Also this would make it so someone could set up shop and sell animals to people for a few gold instead of going out and finding one yourself too, we could finally sell livestock. Altho I still think they need to make it so you can sell trained dogs.

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