Being killed

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    Posts: 5

    I’m fairly new-ish. I made a house to stay safe and towers to keep me protected. I get killed by someone called Chips who also killed my dog. I didn’t do anything or ask for it. Just he thought I’d be prey and kills me. I try to go back home to see the damage done. I know my dog is dead because Chips admitted to killing my dog and his reason “because I’m heartless” I try to go back home and Rawskin another player kills me for no reason. I am not doing any competitive PvP and I’m getting killed. I have PvP off. I’m confused. Doesn’t no PvP mean I don’t kill or get killed. I am still new so I don’t understand. But what’s was a bit more annoying was my connection was a bit bad. I was apparently hit a wall of someone’s property purely by accident. My game froze and I couldn’t move. I then instantly die and end up in the deep cave somehow. I lost quite a lot of levels. I know I am complaining a lot but I quite like the game. I wanted to build up slowly get comfortable then PvP. Not get killed randomly when I don’t have PvP on to attack back. I am confused about that. I hope someone could inform me about how to perhaps avoid getting killed, though I know I do need to get better. If that’s the solution then please let me know. I am sorry but the fact it all happened after no playing for a day and dying twice in less than 15 minutes felt weird. Also I am stuck in someone’s property because the deep cave under Choo Choo place. I am going to be killed once more since I am unfortunately trespassing. If this is normal I do apologize for whining. Just wanted to let someone…know at least.

    Appreciate any advice or help


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Hi NinjaMaster, welcome to the game! Glad you like it 🙂
    You can use the command /unstuck to safely teleport out of an area.
    The /pvp command only prevents you from damaging other peaceful players or structures, you can still be hurt in unsafe zones (white maps).
    Wellington, a new town north of Crossroads, is safe from pvp/raiding (green map) but costs myst to build and repair.
    It’s normal to die every now and then, especially while getting the hang of things, and it helps build up dust for more traits so don’t feel so bad 🙂


    Posts: 5

    Thank you for responding. Sorry I was busy. Also I didn’t know there were green and white areas. Also thank you for the advice. I appreciate how quick people respond. I’ll try to locate myself in the green area. Also thanks for informing me the purpose of the PvP function. Also using unstuck feature now. I hope I teleport somewhere better. Again thank you for the assistance. Just curious. How can I unjoin a tribe. Apparently chips killed me because my tribe is called something odd. I joined the tribe because he’s nice. Not expecting the name to be something to attract trouble. XD


    Posts: 5

    Sorry I forgot to ask. How do I locate green map areas and white map areas. I’d then know when I should prepare myself or relax then.

    Appreciate your help Kaylovespie


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    if you are talking about snow and grass then there is only snow in galebrook and snow top peaks snow is to the north in galebrook and allover in snowtop peaks and grass is in the middle. you can see the tribe commmands with /tribe and you can leave tribe with /tribe leave


    Posts: 5

    Kaylovespie said how there are safe and unsafe areas. Which she described as green and white. I got killed next to market Square and a green grassy area.


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Thanks for answering his tribe question, Harlem 🙂
    For the green/white maps I think he’s talking about the color of the map title.

    Whenever you walk into a different map, the title of that map will pop up. If the title is green, that means it’s a safe map. If the title is white, that means people can attack/raid you.
    So Wellington, Snake Pit, Snake Hazard, Crossroads, Newbie Village, Newbie Cave, and Southern Pass (the corner map) are all green.
    Everything else, if I’m not mistaken, should be white.
    More of both map types will be added soon 🙂


    Posts: 5

    Thank you for the answers I am sorry it’s late on my side. I’ll be heading to bed. Again thank you for answering some burning questions of mine an thank you harlem as well.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 43

    Make a base in wellington it’s great has all the features of gale without being killed just takes lil myst gathering and your on your way to a semi happy game can still uw if u want to just carry a lantern some aloe and a few pots remember wellington will take you to lvl 80 skills so can stay there till ur ready for PvP is working for me been in wellington since it came out good addition to game THANK YOU DEV TEAM!!!


    Lvl 150 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    Come to USE if you keep getting killed, not USE2.

    Just don’t raid or be an ass and you will be fine.


    Posts: 22

    Yes USE is all sunshine and rainbows, LoL. I have plavyed 5 or 6 hours there n havnt seen 1 player get killed by another. a lil boring if you ask me but each to thier own. Me personaly I think UST has a good mix of Friendlyness and Chaos.


    Posts: 4

    USE2 new is crazy, one person (Yeeticus) killing all the new players trying to enter galebrock. He even killing people that are sleeping, this is stupid if the game gets disconnected and he kills you. Destroying all our progress and ruining the game for many. Causing many players to quit. The developer need to put a limit of how many times they can kill per day or set a time limit for killing. Also losing levels is a major turn off and getting people to quit.


    Posts: 4

    They should make pve server and pvp servers. or make a wild zone where u lose all your gear when u die. Like runescape. While the rest of the area focus on pve.

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