The new safe zones

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    Posts: 22

    I understand that some players here like to play farmville, and complain about PvP all the time, and thus, the devs have now declared a safe zone is coming soon. There are a few complaints I, as a PvP player have about this. First, why should I risk my stuff in galebrook, when I can keep all my gear safe 100% of the time in the safe zone? Why even go into galebrook ever again knowing that there is no reward for the risk of getting killed? By releasing Wellington, and the eyesore of the infamy update, PvP is obsolete. Killing a player means you lose an hour of doing anything in the game, and its soon going to be impossible to raid anyone. The game went from full PvP with no safe zones, logging out etc. a year ago, to a carebear hell hole where all the “PvE” players are guaranteed safety. That being said, I hope all of this was an april fool’s joke because these have been the worst updates i’ve ever seen in the time i’ve been here.


    Lvl 95 London
    Posts: 90

    +1 :/


    Lvl 41 USTexas
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 28

    I’m not even a raider/pk-er, I hate when I die because of other playe mood swing, but that is the nature of the game, and I don’t want it to change..
    (even the topic poster killed me before for shits and giggles, and here I am supporting this)

    If thats the direction dev want the game to take, at least remove the “sandbox world” part from the game description. e.e


    Lvl 97 USEast2
    Posts: 1

    Just…no why the safe zones


    Posts: 11

    if anything why not make it a separate server


    Lvl 60 USWest2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 29

    If any thing Wellington better not be a 500×500 map, 200×200 max. And i feel there should be double the decay rate, so its a little harder to maintain a base there for extended periods of time. Dev did say there were going to be build restrictions put into place, right?


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 87

    people have different playstyles. How about having a peaceful/pve server and another full pvp server?


    Lvl 64 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    +1 safe zones!?!? Worst updates infamy and safe zones.


    Lvl 95 London
    Posts: 90

    If the safe zone is implemented, it needs to have at least a restriction where you cant use the global chat or pms while you’re in there. And leaving the safe zone causes an instant death. I already know that anyone seen leaving the safe zone will be instantly hunted and killed in protest of the safe zone in general, so it may as well just be an implemented mechanic.


    Posts: 4

    there’s a point of pvp and there’s a point where it just doesn’t make sense to play the game anymore. Like pvp is awesome and i’m a pve person but when you make the game no fun to play. When its pvp based then just get rid of it there’s no point.


    Lvl 392 Europe
    Posts: 96

    Just make a /pvp off forced server for the pussies that ain’t willing to play a sandbox pvp game with pvp and sandbox.
    After that, whoever wants to complain just play there, play on the rest of servers at ur own risk.

    The infamy tweak that you did to give less infamy as the level of player increases is a good thing, it’ll help the new players to stick more into the game.

    But “safe buildable zones” will just rip everything and everyone will play farmville, surely you prob won’t lose players at first, but without the excitement and frustration of death they’ll quit in a matter of days/weeks out of boredom


    Posts: 9

    The reason we want a safe zone is because of this idea derick ——-> “I already know that anyone seen leaving the safe zone will be instantly hunted and killed in protest of the safe zone in general”<——- Like you guys just kos anyone you just don’t like and nobody can’t do anything about it.


    Posts: 6

    Pvp in a game that is anything but pyre pvp doesnt work. And for that to work, everyone has to be equal when they fight. This only applies to first person shooters where total time input into a game doesnt equal greater power but greater skill.

    This in no way describes this game. No lifers play 24/7 and then want unfair fights.

    A pve server where raiding is possible but perhaps comes at a cost…lack of xp, a day long penalty where all towets everywhere fire on you once in range, etc….is the only real solution. Griefing and doing your dirty work through alts isnt the opposite of being a pussy.


    Posts: 10

    It’s the nature of any gaming community to respond to changes in a negative manner.

    I personally think giving it a shot would be interesting. Dev should focus on what will grow the game in the long term. In my opinion, I think the proposed changes will be conductive to this game in that sense.

    That’s just my opinion though – Dev will have the actual stats from which to inform his decision on whether to keep a change or not.


    Posts: 10

    Personally I agree with other posters about the power inequality.

    I’m fine with pvp, but I also play this game casually. I love the “feel” of it, but I’ve noticed a trend of top level players who take any excuse, or even make one up, to kill lower level players like me.

    At least it’s this way on UST. I can:

    1. Accept getting repeatedly killed over anything, or for no reason at all, by less casual players.
    2. Suck up to them and feed their misguided ego.
    3. Go full no life myself and dedicate myself to this game full time as some of you do.
    4. Quit

    None of these are really appealing. This game has kinks and issues, and I’m hoping the Dev can make us all happy.

    But Fleet complaining about pvp changes seems odd because every noob they have senselessly killed is told they have no right to complain and should just accept any and everything that comes their way.

    It would be funny if the Dev responded to this in a similar manner, but I wouldn’t encourage it – I believe everyone should have a voice and be respected.

    Anyways I’m excited to see where this game is headed. As far as I’m concerned, all this means is that you have to level your assassin exp by people who are interested in pvp and who are closer to you in strength, instead of mindlessly slaughtering every noob that comes your way, krill style.

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