Underworld Deep Recall suggestion

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    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    Alright so I’m sure almost everyone who runs underworld <deeper floors here> has encountered this situation, you use the potion and you are thrown into an Impossible to exit/survive room, we all know what happens next Death

    my suggestion is making Depth Recall potions teleport you to any edge of the map. This would allow safe entry and and avoiding any issues with the VERY BALANCED new monsters

    I recalled into a room last night
    5 Mind Flayers
    5 Shroomies
    2 Dire wolves
    6 Ghost blades
    plus whatever else was in there i failed to notice in a panic

    I Popped my shell 5 and started whirlwinding and dashing around the room to quickly look for an exit.

    Now the kicker? That room had 3 more ghost blades which trapped me in a hallway of no escape

    Please do something useful for us Older players, fix OUR content and stop catering the game to the crybabies


    Posts: 89

    Some immunity to damage after using depth recall pot would solve this. like shell but longer. and works until you attack someone or for 30 sec


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    even damage immunity like you mention what happens if you have to kill stuff to clear a path? You lose that immunity and die.

    My Solution solves it all
    depth recall potions bring you to a random edge of the map


    Lvl 18 SEAsia
    Posts: 6



    Lvl 17 USWest
    Posts: 131

    Like the idea, laat time almost died like this too, and tgat wasnt even deep (around 75). my legs turn noodles when i have to drink that potion xD


    Posts: 5

    +1, make the game great again pls


    Lvl 7 USWest
    Posts: 157



    Lvl 19 USTexas
    Posts: 58

    I haven’t gone deep yet, but yes please.


    Posts: 21



    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    +1, recall pots are scary 😀


    Lvl 146 USWest
    Posts: 17

    +1 instant death upon recall should not be a thing.


    Lvl 59 USEast
    Posts: 52

    I recall to 140 -166 and haven’t had any issues, I like UW being high risk high reward. Holes happen more frequently and have the same effect as a depth recall placement wise, I dont see why they would be changed to make it easier.


    Lvl 235 USWest
    Posts: 10



    Lvl 60 London
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 28

    Recalling to death rooms are terrifying, iv been lucky enough to always escape them, by making stuff drop aggro then running out of the room, i also minimise my recalls and make sure the hunts are long to minimize these risks but the pot could defo do with a 20 second immunity to get rid of the flayers and shrooms in a room, it would need to stop the flayer buff being applied too.

    Another solution is to reset all mobs on a floor when a player recalls onto it and there isnt already a player there (often the case in deep uw) then they would all spawn in slowly as they do when you use stairs.

    This and the dragon fireball thats killed me twice could defo do with a looking over.


    Lvl 300 USEast2
    Posts: 79

    Souize you also wait till server resets UW each time because your a little B**** 😂😂😂😂

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