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  • #7337

    Lvl 150 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    I’m only capable of going into the UW after a server reset for about an hour or two before it starts again.

    Not only that but I’m limited on what I can do in game, as I run into the same walls 3-4 times.


    Posts: 7

    I’m having same issue as well lately. I think I started having pretty bad lag after many new players started playing this game. It took me around 30 secs earlier just to go to my bed from like 10 tiles away because I was having constant rubberbanding.


    Lvl 150 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    So I posted this and went from 5 to 2 max on my IP address lol.

    Not sure what that was about but the lag is still the same, I assure you.


    Posts: 7

    Oh, is that a bug? I don’t see any new post from dev about it. Just tried to play again and I was still getting constant rubberbanding. For now, I think I’ll just wait until the lag is at least at bearable lvl to play again.


    Posts: 17

    If there are no more optimizations to be had, I think one approach to tackle the issue without expending too much monetary resources could be to re-design the architecture of the application. I envision that the game be decoupled to various objects or services which could then be hosted in its own server.

    1.) Game login/chat service/Redis/DB server/messaging broker server
    2.) Galebrook
    3.) UW and all other Galebrook areas

    Scaling this way is cheaper than scaling vertically. For example, in Linode, the 8GB package offers 4 vCPU for $40 while the 16GB one offers 6 vCPU. For the CPU intensive areas, you could opt for the 8GB package and for others, you could host them on a cheaper 2/4GB instance. The added benefit of doing this is so that one area will not cause a rippling effect on lag on all areas. To illustrate this, Admin mentioned once that the huge amount of floors in UW were the source of the lag at one point in time. With this setup, the lag should be contained to the instance hosting the UW and non Galebrook areas.

    Alternatively, cheap dedicated hardware may be an option as well. I don’t know what is the budget for each server but I figure that they may be able to support more players per server which could potentially net more profit.

    OVH also offers fairly cheap dedeicated servers going as low as $72/month

    Hetzner offers them at 34.00€/month.


    Lvl 95 London
    Posts: 90

    I’ve had major issues with it on West, but I’ve been fine in London.

    I live in the US.


    Lvl 200 USTexas
    Posts: 20

    im on texas… i live in western canada…and im getting unplayable lag when i go near any mob.. like cant even complete a single action. took me 10 min to walk a few screens.

    I go to underground base where there is nothing and the lag disapears and i dont rubberbad as much.

    in global chat not many other seem to have this issue… my brother who lives 10 min away has same lag.. and my friend in eastern canada cannot play because of lag either


    Lvl 79 USWest
    Posts: 104

    I live in the uk and play on USwest and my lag isnt that bad just a minor thing


    Lvl 233 USTexas
    Posts: 173

    I can’t even log in to Texas today, all other servers work fine with no other lag issues.


    Lvl 200 USTexas
    Posts: 20

    i also canont log in this morning to texas… i enter credentials and push login and nothing happens. if i try from another device it says im logged in. Yesterday it would take 3 minutes to login but now it wont even do that.

    interestingly i can login on mobile. so i downloaded an android emulator online and tried that but also same issue with not being able… so because i can get into the other servers and not texas but i can thorugh mobile seems to indicate maybe that these lag issues are ISP to server routing issues.

    I use SHAW cable internet from canada… im not sure if admin actually looks at these posts though.


    Lvl 200 USTexas
    Posts: 20

    just wanted to note for people strugggling with this… try using a free proxy… go into advanced settings in IE… proxy settings and then try out some of these:

    this seems to have allowed me to log in for now…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by  GBM.

    Polar Bear
    Posts: 43

    I find I only get rubber banding when server needs reset bad other then that I’m fine i live in eastern Canada playing sea server using mobile data and pixel 2 xl could be the device your playing on try clearing cache see if that helps just my input


    Posts: 3

    I’m new to the game and just been lagging the entire time at SEA server.
    Is this a normal thing that everyone deals with?

    I like the concept of the game but this is lag is putting me and my friends off the first 10mins of game play lol

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