Reincarnation Update!

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    Lvl 97 Europe
    Posts: 18

    When reincarnating you gain a blue star in your top skill, which gives you 10 levels in your top skill.
    The problem is that each blue star in a skill you lose 10 levels of XP in this skill, that is, the blue stars are detrimental in raising the level of the character considering that the main means of gaining XP and through skills.
    My suggestion would be to put the blue stars as bonus in the level of the skills, that is to say when you win a blue star in a skill, it will still represent 10 levels but the bonus level with which the skill will still be at level 1 but will have all the benefits of level 11 and to level up you have to join XP as if you were in level 11 but will still be level 1.
    Sorry for my bad english, I used google translator to write it all 🙂


    Lvl 392 Europe
    Posts: 96

    The system is good as it is with your suggestion you’ll have to get forcefully a skill to 100 before reincarnating in anything else most of the times.


    Lvl 97 Europe
    Posts: 18

    I do not understand very well what you mean, in fact my suggestion would be to facilitate those who want to use some specific types of skills to reincarnate without being forced to have to use other skills to level up.
    The more blue stars in a skill, the more benefits of high levels he will have and more XP will be necessary to pass the skill level, would greatly facilitate the life of those who want to climb fast level using the same skills as always.
    The current system is good, but could be improved a bit to make life easier for those who reincarnate frequently :3


    Lvl 109 London
    Posts: 70

    You’re not thinking it through, Therieth is right about the unintentional consequence.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 45

    This change could work with a tweak. Additionally, this will resolve the problem of running out of exp to reincarnate after a high amount of reincarnations.

    Right now, reincarnation works by calculating the highest exp earned by any skill. Each blue star that you have incurs a penalty whereby you lose 10 levels worth of potential exp. This means that eventually, you will not be able to reincarnate although you have not blue star’ed all skills. Thus, what I suggest is that the you can still gain the exp from the blue stars but they ONLY count towards the player’s level and not in the calculation for top skill. Therefore, the top skill calculation will move from max(skill exp) to max(skill exp – blue star skill exp).

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