walls torn down in a matter of minutes

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    Polar Bear
    Posts: 44

    a few people in the chat suggested to me to write that experience down in the hope it might help devs establish defences balance

    First things first:

    – I was on when it happened
    – busy in my house for a while
    – went away for a few minutes to collect some recources

    when i came back, firenerd was just breaking into my house, i saw him hammering my walls and he went through like butter

    I went in quickly and I tried to repair from the inside against his attack, it had no effect to speak of.

    – no preexisting walls, house was built by me
    – there were preexisting tiles on the ground when I built the house, but the players in the chat were like me convinced tiles have no effect (please correct us if we´re wrong)

    for all other players: if you just had luck and no one attacked your house yet, assume yourself lucky. if you head somewhere it takes hours to break through a wall, forget about that quickly, it was a matter of a few minutes at most.

    for the devs: if you don´t do anything about this situation, you should prepare to have a game played by 2 or 3 griefers alone as this is the only type of player this gameplay development can hold. everyone else will leave. it takes a high amount of time to gather recourses for a few walls, let alone for an entire house. seeing the balance between building and destroying made as it is right now, it makes no sense to me to play further, as I am one of those players who prefer to hunt and build than level up in pvp combat and destruction.


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 44

    just a short update… according to one player in the chat who went to the place to take a look and knows the place from his own tribe’s past, the tiles were built by an other player, not by Firenerd – which would mean the tiles couldn´t have factored in.


    Lvl 2 London
    Posts: 173

    Looks like you and JVH solved this mystery in game, was an overlooked cracked wall. For everyone else’s peace of mind healthy walls still take the normal amount of time to break. I recommend everyone to invest in stone walls and towers for the best defense, and gold padded locks for guaranteed safety of items ^_^

    We will update the guide soon with best practices and keep balancing defense as needed. Thanks for the report!


    Lvl 120 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 36

    Was this looked into and the cracked wall was really low health? A new player shouldn’t be able to break even a 50% wall in a matter of minutes. I spoke to playerxyz and he said he only built his house one day before. So the walls should not have decayed so low that a decently new player should be able to break it in a few minutes.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by  Tux.

    Lvl 60 USEast
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 44

    I thought I saw Firenerd die and it said he was skilled at destruction, so maybe he’s just that skilled?


    Polar Bear
    Posts: 44

    hi again everyone

    admin told me he spoke to firenerd and firenerd told him about the crack in the wall.

    I’d be interested in hearing from admin whether what he told me was based on checked logs (and the reply from firenerd came just additionally) or whether that is based just on what firenerd told him. I mean when you ask chronodoggy, firenerd’s alt about firenerd, he will tell you he “does not know him” although it’s pretty obvious and known to everyone that it`s his alt.
    so what I mean… if this is based only on firenerd’s reply, i would’t give much to it.

    if checked and indeed true, then
    a) no idea how possible. I mean a crack is not something I oversee just like that.
    b) even if that crack was indeed there… I was away from the house for just a few minutes. crack (below 50% wall) just means his hammer made double damage.
    so with a fully healthy wall it would have just taken a few more minutes.

    it still does not really seem well balanced.

    admin told me there is a certain reason why wood walls are not made more sturdy, apparently one kind of griefing is walling people’s residences in, basically locking players in. in such cases, according to admin, the player can´t get out and no one in such a situation wants to wait days waiting for the walls to deteriorate.

    however… I am not sure. walling people in is pretty ressource consuming. I really can´t imagine that happens all too often. looting newbie residences is on the other hand pretty much everyday business for a certain kind of players.

    maybe that matter should be looked in again.

    just saying… you have people here who focus on destruction, on aggressive pvp.

    collecting materials for even a few walls takes time, especially for newbies who don´t know the maps yet (searching for that rare tree nearby the desert anyone?) and whose skills for woodcutting and mining are still low – players who attack residences shouldn’t have such an easy go at that.
    it can drive away players really fast.

    all those potentially interesting new players who potentially could help fund this game in future: robbed, looted and this game won´t see them again.

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