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    Lvl 104 USWest
    Posts: 11

    USE2 – Interceptor,

    Yo, Devs! The update is pretty cool, and I kinda shocked that you guys released the update. I was curious when my Daily Bonus was 100%. I said to myself, “Wow! If my Bonus is 100%, that means I can level up pretty fast!” But it wasn’t true. Only if it’s 80% or lower gets to get a bonus point. Now.. the new update on April. Since the pvp was updated for peace (I like pkng); not really; gets KOS ever time I do… First of all. Why did you update the Serenity remaining crap? I’ve been staying for 4 hours and my Serenity stays the same (that sucks). I know that people want peace, but be more specific for the update what you have. Are there another update next Season?


    Lvl 97 USEast2
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 38

    i could flop my balls on my keyboard and it’d produce something more literate lmao

    Pro tip: If you don’t want serenity build in Galebrook and this update won’t effect you at all. For the average player this update was a big nothing burger. That’s why it was coupled with an excuse. It adds a feature that should’ve been there with Wellington’s release, but ya know… 1 year later works…

    Not sure if my favorite part was the absent mention of the game’s issues or if it is that the dev actually thinks this update is “encouraging a divide between the PvP and PvE style players.”



    Lvl 119 Brazil
    Posts: 82

    The real division of “pvp” and “pve” could be if serenity gives immunity to pvp fights as long it is activated on any player….

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