Wellington Safe Raiders

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    Posts: 14

    There are some players that have a base in Wellington and raid us in Galebrook, isn’t that unfair that we can’t answer back because they are in a safe zone, please devs do something about this. They are pretty much high level taking advantage of the Wellington safeness, we can’t even ask help from other players because they are 100% safe in this map and abuse on other zones.

    I think you should not be allowed to enter Wellington if you have infamy for a certain period of time.


    Posts: 18



    Lvl 11 Europe
    Posts: 5

    There are many ways to get them back, I won’t tell you about the non-profit solutions. You could wait for them to enter a PvP zone and kill them or bait them with a lock on gold trap. Really not much you can do other than not get killed/raided by them in the first place. Improve defence and have alts and escape passages at the ready if they are actively raiding.


    Posts: 1

    -1 You can build in wellington too, so it is fair


    Lvl 52 USWest
    Posts: 1

    You can build at wellington too and do the same, so it is fair?


    Posts: 14

    It costs too much myst to build up in wellington when you are high level how do you keep your base intact in Wellington ?


    Lvl 10 USWest
    Posts: 22

    An easy way to make a little base in Wellington is to create an alt and let it hammer raccoons in Newbie Village until you get around 1k myst. Important is that you upgrade nothing except maybe skill mastery once.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    while its frustrating that you cannot quite get back at that guy who lives in wellington but raids you in galebrook in that he’s often somewhere that you can’t kill him repeatedly, your items are probably forfeit anyway. It would take a small army and countless hours to raid any of the larger tribe bases in galebrook on most servers already so I don’t see a huge difference here. I suppose one could argue that they’re spending far less resources to have the same defensive impact, but in the end you’ve still lost all your items to someone bigger who you can’t get back at.

    So, yes, It’s kind of a cop out to live there but it is what it is. If pvp/raiding was enabled in wellington so you could raid people there like you could in galebrook then you’d just see more towers and walls and probably die trying to get in just like you would in galebrook.


    Posts: 14

    Ok sorry everyone the real problem was the Alt-Building in Wellington, I didn’t know about this feature so that’s the reason I was in Galebrook. I just noticed those guys making tons of alt for Farming for Building etc. So what’s the point of building in Galebrook, if you can have an unraidable base in Wellington ? like why would you risk being raided one day.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    upkeep is kind of a pain, there are (as described above) ways to reduce this headache but it’s still there, XP gains are reduced in wellington so training there isn’t great, you can’t train things past a certain level at all from what i’m told, and on our server nobody really takes you seriously if you only live there. That said, there are groups of farmers that I’ve seen in texas wellington that I don’t think ever leave, and they’re content. So, its an option for playstyle, it definitely has its downsides (both for it housing trolls, xp, upkeep, etc.) but I think the overall impact to the game is negligible – if you know how to build a base properly in galebrook its really hard to raid there too and you’re not getting this vanilla half-of-the-game experience there like you would in wellington.


    Posts: 15

    Paisley is right, the problem with Welly is upkeep. Playing from Gale, you can outgrow Welly players because they suffer exp penalty and myst cost. Paisley is also right about reputation. If you live harmoniously with other Gale players, the server community will take you seriously and recognize you as a respected player. People like Dragone make alts (ryugun) and troll from Welly. They are generally disliked and ignored, but they play ML to be a nuisance, not to make friends. For them, it is a thrill to sneak out into pvp zones, steal from other players, and then return to the safety of Welly. The issue of Welly becoming a source of toxicity comes up time and time again in the ML forum, and for now, the dev seems to think this is an acceptable playstyle. In ML, people can play however they want, as hero, villain, and even troll.


    Posts: 15

    What do you think about a Wellington pvp cooldown, something like: if a player enters Wellington, they cannot turn on pvp for 8 hours? or vice versa, if a player turns on pvp, they cannot enter Wellington for 8 hours?

    This would encourage players to play from Gale if they want to turn on pvp and raid. This would have little impact on new players trying to learn the game from Welly. Welly players can still defend themselves in pvp zones since they can fight players with infamy even with pvp off. This would encourage players to choose living in one town or the other depending on their playstyle.


    Lvl 77 USTexas
    Fallen Knight
    Posts: 335

    Your excellent idea was quite timely Sylva 😀


    Posts: 15

    haha, 2 hours after i post suggestion for Wellington pvp cooldown, serenity update is released. dev has already been working with this idea for some time! after so many complaints in forums, i was feeling discouraged about Welly and ML. it’s a delicate problem because it doesn’t seem sensible to make it any harder for people to play from Welly; it seems sensible only to make it harder for people to use Welly exclusively for aggressive trolling. i think serenity is a lovely solution. thanks to everyone who took the time on forums to help players understand the issues surrounding Wellington , and thank you dev for serenity.


    Lvl 43 USEast2
    Posts: 10

    Luckily these issues should be resolved with the new update.

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