follow up to pets thingy

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  • #14263

    Posts: 3

    (follow up on my new pets idea) Ive thought of some moree,like(most will be trapping) the carpet- so u can sit on it and it gives you a movement boost(it moves at your speed just a bit faster) the more levels it is the faster it can make you travel but cannot battle(preferably it could be an item). the mime bird/m bird-it can make a box around you as you move and can box in enemys but you cant attack them while theyre captured so u can taunt them then dip mudeyes- pretty basic, living bud that spawns in a mini mountain wall around your target or general area and good for protecting yourself if in a rough situation


    Lvl 19 USWest
    Posts: 16



    Posts: 3

    lmao idk it was late and i wassnt in the best shape

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