Mystera n vale a pena

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  • #12629

    Posts: 1

    Mystera legacy é um jogo ótimo e seria melhor se a comunidade n fosse tão tóxica principalmente no server br q vc mesmo sendo noob vai ser morto por qlqr motivo pq as pessoas são um bando de homem velho com mais de 30 anos querendo pagar de [removed by mod] e isso torna a experiência um lixo eu realmente espero q o Server feche pq muitos players tem parado de jogar por causa dos players tóxicos sns


    Lvl 240 Brazil
    Posts: 6

    Meu jovem, eu sofri demais com power abuse, e fui um dos cara mais forte do server br, então pare de chorar e vai upar as skills pra matar esses player toxico 🙂


    Lvl 58 USTexas
    Posts: 10

    Mystera Legacy is a good game and would be better if community wasn’t so toxic, mainly on BR server, whether even if you’re a noob you’ll get murdered by anything because crowd is about a bunch of old men over 30 acting like [removed by mod] and that makes the experience a crap. I really hope the server closes. A lot of people quit playing because of toxic people.

    Firstly, cry less. Bad people and trolls are everywhere on the internet and anywhere else. Second, community isn’t all about people over 30 years old lurking around <strike>(hopefully)</strike>. Third, it happens in almost every game or mmorpg, you really need to be meticulous in the beginning so do not die for stronger players.

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