Door / Tower Rework

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  • #11403

    Lvl 130 USEast
    Posts: 13

    Currently if you want to allow specific people into your house your only option is to form a tribe and build tribe doors/towers. This is painstaking and sometimes not even possible if you have friends from other tribes whom you trust and want to allow into your home.

    Secondly, if you want personal towers instead of tribe you cannot build them whilst in a tribe, and cannot downgrade them without rebuilding, wasting materials.

    My suggestion is this, add the /allow command to towers and doors with additional parameters for specifying tribes and individuals. Also add an “/allow list” command that would show you who you’ve given permission to, and also maybe add the date/time they last accessed that door.


    /allow name (Would allow specific individual
    /allow TribeName title (would allow specific tribe members either recruit or elder could also be specified)
    /allow remove name (or this could just be /remove name)
    /allow remove TribeName title
    /allow list (would show you individuals and the last time they accessed the door, this could also possibly list out each tribe member with access and the same data)

    Let me know your thoughts!


    Posts: 22

    Nice this is what i was going to suggest u beat me to it…
    +1 for this,

    making more doors just to give access to your trusted friend is just plain ugly design to your house.


    Posts: 16

    Best idea I have seen in a while.


    Lvl 98 USEast2
    Posts: 127

    +1 Good idea, dear

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