Abuse of power and toxic players

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  • #10781

    Posts: 1

    Hello, it is with great sadness that I inform you that I will no longer play Mystera Legacy. I was told about the game by a friend, and as soon as I started to play I was completely addicted, Mystera is a wonderful game … but the players of my server ended my charm by the game. I know it’s wrong to give up a great game because of some players, but it’s become an immensely tiresome and sad thing.
    The server Brazil is suffering a lot with toxic players and full of abusive power, they allow almost nothing on the server, today I was killed by a player just for giving my opinion about power abuse, I lost 4 levels that were difficult to get, I spend a lot of time in Mystera to come and kill me for no reason.
    Some players are creating Chaos up to level 150 to raid the house of other players, I was raided 4 times and lost everything.
    I really want you to help the server improve and the game to have more players because many have already given up because of these things that usually happen in the game until this is solved, my friends and I will miss Mystera Legacy.


    Lvl 98 USEast2
    Posts: 127

    Man, i know how it feels. I throw the game like 10 times. there allways be toxic players, but for every toxic, you can find 5 great guys who will help you! You reinc, or you play only 17 lvls? You dont see all goodies in the game! There is not only toxic players, there is a lot of just best guys! Whatever, pls comeback later. I know, it hurt, but if you will stay play you can grow super star and knock this bad asses) Anyway, pls comeback later. You can call me. In my serv like 3-5 toxic assholes but like 20 or more super good guys who will help you in any situation! I hope you will come back. See ya later in game 😉


    Posts: 11

    Olá Daddyporn, como o iSlyLine disse, por mais que existam BadPlayers exiatem também players que estão dispostos a ajudar.
    Invasão(Raid) e PK(PlayerKill) fazem parte do jogo, recomendo que construa torres e envolta de sua casa coloque 2 muros de espessura, ou construa uma casa em Wellington.
    Sobre comentários no chat, use o comando /bchat e divirta-se recebendo mensagens apenas de seus amigos de tribo, ignorando o chat global.
    Sobre o PowerAbuser, infelizmente acontece e cada vez mais o server BR perde jogadores para o SA, podendo chegar a um momento em que terá 10 ou 11 players jogando sozinhos com e usando alts. Por sorte, o Admin está cada vez mais aumentado a penalidade para players com “infamuos”. Depois de uma olhada na ultima nota de Julho.DEV Note JUL

    Continue jogando e se divertindo, pois ele ainda tem muita coisa legal para você experimentar. =D



    Lvl 18 SEAsia
    Polar Bear
    Posts: 46

    Toxic in Chat Is Preventable but Physical Only way is Switch server
    Or Endure


    Lvl 98 USEast2
    Posts: 127

    Anowser way: /ignore “nick” Or grow up and come beat his bad ass }:D

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